Search - Rescue - Rehab - Re-home
The Lost Dog Search &
Rescue Team is an Ocean County NJ based 501c3 Non-Profit community
organization dedicated to help re-unite lost dogs with their
owners FREE of charge
in the Toms River and
surrounding areas in Ocean County NJ.
For those dogs that we find that have been abandoned or
dumped, we will give them shelter, medical attention,
rehabilitation & love and then find them forever homes.
We are a 'Rescue & Sanctuary' for
those dogs that need our help
Established 5/8/2008

We do not just post a lost dog but in certain areas of
Ocean County we will, at the owners request, go out and help
them search
for their dog all Free of charge
Our MAIN goal, as time and space allows, is to take in dogs
that have been abandoned, classified as un-adoptable or have
behavioral or medical issues that would cause a dog to be on
the euthanasia list to either keep safe and care for till its
time for them to cross the Rainbow Bridge or rehabilitate and
adopt out. This is why you do not see a lot of adoptions come
from our rescue. We do this strictly for the benefit of the
" We are a
Non Profit 501c3 Organization"

"We are NOT Animal Control and do not chase strays"
Our Search, Rescue and Recovery Group is located in South Toms River NJ. Our services
are FREE and time is of the essence, If you want us to help we are just a phone
call or E-Mail away and Its imperative you act quick for the safety of your pet.
If you do want our help in searching we need 1st hand information only to conduct a safe and
productive search. We understand the feelings of family and friends in a
situation like this but without speaking to the owner or legal guardian of the missing pet we will not
be able to respond for a request for search but will offer our support and services in other ways.
If you are the owner of a Lost or Missing dog and want our
help, please contact us Via
Online Lost Dog Search Request
for help with your lost dog. This is the fastest way to get the
information to us that we need.
Our work as Pet Sitters keeps
us confined to the following areas. We wish we could extend our search
area but we cant.
we are a 'Rescue & Sanctuary' for those
dogs that need our help
keep in mind that we do this for
free and will get back to you as soon as we can. Once we receive your
report, we will sometimes search before we contact you. If your dog is
recovered after you make a report with us we would appreciate a call
or E-Mail letting us know.
Due to the fact we not
only run a full time business but also run a Rescue, and we do
this for free, we are
limited to the area we are able to cover. We wish we could
help every one that asks for our help in searching but we
can't. If you live in the towns listed below and need our
Otherwise we can only help by giving advice |
Toms River
Berkeley Twp.
Lacey Township
Manchester Twp.
South Toms River
Lanoka Harbor
Island Heights
If you are a friend or
family member of the owner of the missing dog, we urge you to have the owner contact
us immediately. We have received many
calls from friends or family members of the person that lost their dog to ask
for our help and when the dog was recovered without our knowledge or seen and they neglected
to call us back to let us know, leaving us searching for a dog that is in the
wrong area or no longer
lost . This has happened way too many times in the past. We will only take
reports from the owners or legal guardians of the lost dog
Click the link below to make a free Lost
Dog poster / flyer
Lost Dog Flyer

This site will help you
understand why and where they went and how to find them
Normally, pets run away from acute boredom or loneliness, to answer
sexual urges if they have not been neutered, in response to sudden and
unexpected events that frighten them, out of curiosity if doors, windows
or gates are left open, or if they are new to a home and are looking for
their former surroundings.
How far they run is just a function of how far their legs will carry
them. Big strong dogs, especially young ones, can run 5 miles or more.
Small dogs may be able to go half a mile at most. Most dogs are recovered
well within a two-mile circle of their home, especially because they
normally will never run for an extended length in a straight line no
matter how strong or fast they are.
If it is an outgoing dog, it will be looking for other dogs and for
other humans who are friendly and likely to comfort, feed and shelter it.
Neighbors' yards and public parks are spots it will like. If it is a shy
or older pet and not trusting of strangers, it will hide. Bushes and under
cars are good spots.
Most likely, your pet will have tried to return home, but it will have
failed. In a certain minority of cases, the dog has been in harm's way. A
car or a predator will have gotten to it. Odds are much greater that
someone has seen your pet and taken it in..
"We are not Animal
Control and occasionally we do
come across stray dogs but we do not have the facilities or money
to care for them. If you have a stray in your possession
we can advise you what to do. If you spot a stray and feel
it is in danger call us ASAP but If you just want to report a
loose dog please
call your local Animal Control Agent or your local police
and they will direct you to the proper
The first
steps to take
to find your lost dog:
- * Check the immediate surroundings first,
such as your yard and neighboring yards.
- * Contact your local Police and
Animal Control, post your flyers at every dog friendly place
you can think of including veterinarian offices, local dog parks, Pet Smart, Petco,
supermarkets, Post Offices, Wa Wa's, Quick Check ETC. and let them know your situation
- * Enlist your friends and neighbors in the
search. The more people searching for your pet the better.
- * If your dog likes car rides, drive around
your neighborhood calling the dog's name, hoping that he
will run from where he is and jump into the car. Just be
sure that you don't call your dog into incoming traffic.
- * Tell everyone you see you are looking for
your dog and to induce the dog to enter an open garage or
fenced backyard. Give everyone your dog's poster.
- * Sometimes it's best to pursue the dog by
foot because you can go between homes and take unpredictable
routes...just as your dog is likely to have done. Again,
alert people as you go.
- * In a survival mode your dog may seek
shelter at night and forage for food early in the morning
and travel in daylight so It is wise to search around
day-break and while the sun is out.
- * If you spot your dog, DO NOT CHASE
HIM! your dog may be in a state of shock, he may not
recognize you at first and think you are trying to harm him
and will run from you, and you will never outrun a dog. The
best chance for you to safely get his attention is to drop
to the ground and call your dog. If you and your dog took
obedience classes and he responds to "sit/stay!",
you have the added advantage of potentially stopping his
escape because he remembers his training.
Tips for Finding a Lost or Missing Dog
#1 Search the Neighborhood
If your dog is lost in his own
neighborhood, ask family, friends, and neighbors to help scour the
streets. Call the dog's name and listen very carefully. If your
dog is locked in a garage, garden shed, or entangled in foliage,
he may be barking his location. After calling his name, stop and
listen for his response.
recently came across a search page that stated: "Do Not Allow
Family, Friends, or Volunteers to “Search” For Your Dog. Ask
Them To Flyer instead" That is the furthest thing from what
you want to do. If something is lost, NO MATTER WHAT, the only way
to find it is to look or search for it. You want as many eyes
looking for your lost pet as possible and the key is to let all
your searchers and anyone you come in contact with know what to do
and how to act. Have the searchers carry lost dog flyers with them
to hand out but their primary function should be to look for the
dog and not to create a commotion or scare an already frightened
dog further away. Here are some basics:
Rule #1 - (Use
searchers should remain calm and quiet and
not be in groups larger then 2
the owner or search leaders phone number programmed in your
phone and ready to dial should you see the dog
you see the dog you are looking for DO NOT try to approach,
call, make eye contact or draw attention to yourself.
to follow the dog from a good distance and as soon as you can,
call the owner with your location and the direction you are
the dog shows that much fear that it will not even go to the
owner then a trap is the only alternative but to set a trap
you need to have at least 2 sightings around the same
location. Click on this link to see How
& When to use a Trap
#2 Post Lost Dog Signs
brightly-colored "Lost
Dog" posters
Put one in front of your house and then get out and staple them to telephone poles. Ask
permission to post them at veterinary hospitals, pet supply shops,
grocery stores, grooming salons, doggie daycare centers, churches,
and community centers. Post them at parks where dogs and their
owners congregate. The signs should include a recent photo of your
dog along with the date and vicinity that he went missing, and
offer a reward if you wish. Police suggest avoiding contact from
unscrupulous individuals by refraining from including your full
name and street address, especially if you are offering a reward.
Download Free Lost Dog flyer
With Tear off or Free Color Lost
Dog Flyer Do not give out all the info you
have Example: if your dog has a distinguishing feature like a mole
Do Not put that in your posting. If someone calls and says
they have your dog ask them to describe him to make sure its not a
scam. if your pet has no distinguishing features but had a red
collar on when leave that color of the collar out of your flyer
and ask the caller what color was his collar. Leave a reach number
that if someone spots your dog you can respond immediately, acting
quickly is imperative in retrieving your pet
#2a While searching
put your
information on your vehicle window, special markers can be
washed off with soap and water and will bring attention to
your search |
Place a Poster
in the front of your house so
if someone in the neighborhood finds your lost pet they will
know where to return them |
#3 Collar Tags & Microchips May Not Bring Your
Dog Home
Contact local Police and Animal
Control. Phone animal shelters, check their websites, and visit in
person. Don't assume that your dog's collar tags or microchip
identification will automatically assure his ticket home. Collars
and tags can be lost, microchip scanners may be malfunctioning,
and administrative errors can occur.
Offer a Reward
If someone does find your dog, with
or without ID there is a chance that they will keep them or give
them or sell them to someone they know who is looking for a dog. A
reward will interest the monetary side of them. A dogs value has
gone up drastically over the years and for people who put a value
on money more then animals, this is a quick way to make some easy
money especially if your pet is a pure breed. Don't put the amount
of reward on your flyer, if some one has your dog this may peak
their interest enough to call you. please read about scams
in the "Beware of Scams" section below
#5 Call Local Police, Shelters
and Animal Control

#6 Use pet-friendly
resources to spread the word about your lost pet.
There are plenty of resources out
there that specialize in reuniting lost or missing pets with their
families. Try the following some are free:
*Once your
dog is recovered PLEASE REMOVE all POSTERS and UPDATE
your lost pet posting*